Black one x wing
Black one x wing

black one x wing

If you were taking the PS 8 version and putting Veteran Instincts on him to get to a 10 you would have to sacrifice your Elite Pilot Slot. He’s 2 more points than his PS 8 skill counter-part, but for those two points you get a pilot that is at the very top-tier when it comes to Aces because no other pilot has an innate 10 pilot skill. Just for the sake of completeness, let’s start with Poe Dameron’s new card: Now we’re going to rush head long into the new cards revealed for the T-70 X-Wing!

black one x wing black one x wing

We’ve already tossed out some thematic list ideasand taken a closer look at the Millennium Falcon 1/2 of this release. The Heroes of the Resistance Pack is packed full of awesome stuff for the rebels out there. Fantasy Flight Games shows off new upgrades for the X-Wing T-70 in the Heroes of the Resistance Pack!

Black one x wing